You are all invited to to stop by the
Sony Pictures booth this
Friday, July 27, 2-4 pm at the
2007 San Diego Comic Convention.
Paul Lasaine, Marcelo Vignali and
myself will be there to do a Surf's Up book signing session. The Sony booths are located at
4137 and
Man, I wish I could go this year! Good luck with your book signing, Armand!
Dang, who's that handsome guy in the middle!
It's me the day I shaved and turned argentinian!!!
(Good work guys!)
Hey fantastic !! I will mosey on over there !!!
You know I'll be there. Great work guys!!! See you there.
Oh man I wish I could be there, damn you geography! Just wanted to give you props for the beautiful surf's up.
Thanks so much for the crits dude I REALLY REEEEEALLY appreciate it.
I won't be able to come, but have a great time!!
Want to -go-! So bad! But can't! Someone know of any teleporters? she said hopefully.
Have a great time at the signing, I wish wish wish I could be there!
Researching Mad Science
Thanks for the comment on my blog! It's great encouragment to keep pushing forward. It's a bummer I can't make the 'con but I will for sure be there next year to meet all of the amazing artists there. BTW I'm about to go into my senior year at Ringling for Computer Animation. Thesis time...haha.
take care-
Armand, I wish that I could be there this year. I recently bought the surfs up book, and I must say that I am always inspired by your work. I will be in San Diego next year with my own book, and I hope to see you there!:)
I stopped by your table on Friday around 5 and was sooooo disappointed that I missed you guys. I was really looking forward to meeting the artists that have inspired me so much. Well I hope you will be there next year and this time I'll be there first thing in the morning!
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