Seldom I draw sci-fi art and I admit I'm very picky and selective about it. I have a few hours of downtime at work so might as well be productive and do a practice. My goal in this piece is to show a design that I haven't seen before but within the boundaries of believability. It's a dock and a town built on what's left of a moon where space sailors could hang out. Anyway, I'm happy on how it turned out and thanks to Marcelo and Simon for their constructive comments. Now go back to work.
Paco K.
Wonderful work - I love the sky behind the clouds in the background too!
This turned out great Armand . Love the details,the atmosphere and of course the epic scale .
Fantastic !
cool layouts man!
Sweet design man!
WHAT???? No trees? They let you draw something without TREES?
Greatk sketch man, and great stretch. Nice idea and execution . . .very impressive, as usual.
Oof, this turned out nice.
This looks fun. It's cool to see you draw some sci-fi!
Nice job, Armand! I really like the contrast between organic and mechanical structure.
This is AWESOME!
I like the organic , camoflauged feel to the ship.
It was great to see you in San Diego.---Kevin
wow armand!! i'm just back from my holidays in italy and look how many new posts and how gorgeous!!
bravissimo ;)
wow armand your work is amaizing!!! inspirated. benja
I'm interested to know what catastrophic event reduced the moon to this. Incredible concept Armand. Marvelous execution.
Great concept piece...I really like your style and design.
Great! awesome artwork!
that piece reminds me of this guy that used to come on public access channel, here in the us, and draw this crazy spaceport landscapes. he was all about teaching perspectives... avyway wonderful piece.
peace out
i dig it.
Wow. That red. I couldn't have chosen a better red for this drawing, really nice contrast that works well and complements the background without taking away from it.
Cool! I'd love to see some of those ships animated flying in and docking! looks great!
kaya ang sarap maging Pilipino eh...
I like to challenge myself all the time, or else I would never grow as an artist... professiopnally as well, reason I took a story position @Disney Feature...
Although personally, my challenges are never on the level of this piece..
youre work is genius...thanx for sharing
Thanks guys.
Congratulations on the new post at Disney.
Very cool. love the sense of powdery quazar atmosphere you gave it. I wonder if some galactic environmentalist organization is mad that they just gutted a pristine space fragment to make their facility. But space sailors are a lot like space truckers; they really couldn't care less about that junk. I wonder what it looks like inside? A hotel? A warehouse? Truck stop? :) Beautiful, original work, friend.
Armand! Squeak! This is a -beautiful- piece, from the colours to the perspective of it all. It's just the sort of space port one of my characters would dock at/live in. Big hollowed out segment of rock - this is Fringe living at its best, making the best of defense and offense - because if you weren't careful you'd whack against one of those rocky outcrops and wham, there'd go your ship.
And if you didn't -know- there was a city underneath the hollow, you'd just pass straight on by...
This is story material!
wow...really awesome Armand!!! Love the design and the colors you used!!! Really cool.
Hmmm....turn this image upside down and it looks like...A CLOAKING ALIEN CITY!!!!!! Now where could we use this???????
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