Friday, January 13, 2012

Harmony Procedural Drawing Tool

A few years ago, I was introduced to this procedural drawing tool called Harmony by Like any other tools, it was difficult to begin with. No undo button. But once I got used to the behavior, it's fun. Here are some of my early doodles. I even used this tool for some design work at the studio. Enjoy.

All images, ©Armand Serrano.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Disney Visit

With good friends I used to work with at the Disney Animation Studios during a recent visit before the holidays. So much memories I have with Disney after working on four feature films between 1997-2004. (l-r) Andy Harkness, Ruben Aquino, Bing Deogracias-Serrano, me, James Finch and Jim Finn.