Thursday, April 29, 2010

Website Update

I finally updated my website two years after last one that I could remember! Since I was on it for a couple of late nights, I decided to go for a new look and overhaul the entire site. I embed a simple flash gallery that would make postings not a chore for me to do in the future. Click HERE to have a glimpse and enjoy.

Monday, April 19, 2010



Some environmental designs from a prehistoric neanderthal/cro-magnon project I was involved in at the studio three years ago that eventually got cancelled after almost a year in active development. Done in Photoshop. All images ©Sony Pictures Animation.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Sherman

A quick doodle while waiting for a production meeting. Old tanks has always been a fascination and a favorite subject to draw as a kid. Done in Painter X. 
©Armand Serrano.