Welcome again to my workbook series. Here is the first version workbook that I did for the Mulan prologue that never made it into the big screen. One of the elements I like about this version is the puppetry at the beginning. I remember seeing the tests made for this in CG and they looked amazingly beautiful. I was a bit disappointed when I was informed that the whole sequence has to be revised. The puppetry is an effective intro to the richness of the Chinese culture. But Hans did a brilliant move in adding an equally powerful intro on the second version (Theatrical version. See Workbook Series#1) -- the Chinese brush painting. Dean DuBlois, who was my director for Lilo & Stitch, was the story artist for both versions. Enjoy.
Can't go wrong with the workbook series. Love this stuff! Even better since these are dealing with Mulan.
Anyway, keep on inspiring us (and me in particular) if you dont mind. Thanks! :)
Wow Armand, thanks for sharing this, it's amazing! Would've loved to see this version fully animated. Must've been hard to decide which one to put in the final, they're both really good in their own way.
Take care,
Wonderful second look at what could have been. Really enjoy the closing of the inner sanctum doors to reveal the Mulan symbol with the dragon. Nice and powerful. Thank you for sharing, you have such beautiful work.
Cool art!
Very interesting version!Thanks for sharing this to us!Really nice!:O)
It's really great to see this work. Thanks for posting it.
Thanks guys. This workbook was completed if Im not mistaken October or November 1997 just barely eight months away from release date. By the way, that was Hans Bacher's dragon on the Mulan logo. Have a great day.
Armand--Thank you for posting these! Incredible work!:)
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