Happy new year! Browsing through my old photo files, I found these memorable photos of the Walt Disney Feature Animation Florida layout crew. Above was taken at the inauguration of the "brand new" animation building right after Mulan c. 1998. (l-r): Tom Humber, Richard Livingston, Kevin Proctor, Jeff Dickson, Norbert Maier, Armand Serrano, Bill Hodman, Andy Harkness, amd Arden Chan.

This was taken right before were done laying Brother Bear out. It was at the Coronado Resort in Disney World after a layout lunch. (l-r standing): Richard Livingston, Scott Kersavage, Robh Ruppel, Andrew Hickson, Joanne Tsuzanos, Craig Grasso, Bill Hodman, Andy Harkness, Tom Dow, Tom Humber, Billy George. (l-r seated): Mike, Franc Reyes, Jeff Dickson, Brian, George Villaflor, Armand Serrano, and Kevin Proctor (not in photo: Peter Deluca) c. 2002. Great crew...miss them all.
Hey! a few known faces here, besides yours is Tom Humber's (hadn't changed a bit from the days of 'We're back' in London), and Andy Harkness.
It's good to remember ol' times, I was coincidentally going through some pictures last weekend when I ran into some shots from the 'El Dorado' days, maybe I'll post them up too!
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Thanks for posting those photos, Armand.
Those were some good times, great artists and great friends. I miss them too.
wow that brings back memories! Thanks for the post Armand.
Isn't a florida studio being reopened for Disney? Is anyone thinking of going back.
Disney Orlando shut down the same year I moved to FL, such bad timing!! I believe I met Richard Livingston at N-Space in Orlando about a year ago, nice guy.
Hope all is well,
Darn KIDS!!
Seriously...over in LA, we envied the Florida crew, you guys hung tight!
These photos are very cute Armand :D
Thanks for sharing them!
A blast from the past! It's great to see those photos. There were definitely good friends and good times. We had a good thing going there, and I think we knew it. I still think of you guys and those days. And I saw that comment from Marcos. Hello stranger! Thanks again for posting these, Armand.
Hi there! I'm at EA Tiburon in Orlando. I have had the pleasure of working with Kevin Proctor for a few years now. Great guy! Great artist too! Did you know that he was sick? Please pray for him and his family!
In love from one brother to another!
Peace, NickZ.
Joanne is my professor, this is funny.
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