Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beauty & The Beast

©Armand Serrano.
A different take on Belle and the Beast. We we're at the dental clinic for my daughter yesterday morning and they were showing this favorite film of mine which I haven't seen for a while. Got inspired and thought that it would be refreshing to see a different take on it. Here it is all done in PS.


Unknown said...

Wow! Very different and very good.

!pap! said...

(I like your work, very nice...)
and the approach is pertinent i like it

all the best

Unknown said...


JP said...

whoa! exquisite stuff- the albino beast is unique and more troubling than the original, that's for sure.

Tom Dow said...

Hey, really cool! I love how you have defined these characters with really simple shapes.

Javi García said...

Great!, really well done!

Daniel said...

I love the composition and the mood of these images.

Vladimir Bursać said...

Wonderful! Very strong! :o)

SEILER said...

Dang, you get another HOLY SMOKES from me . . . beautiful work!

Marcos Mateu said...

Armand, this is such an elegant take on the subjet! shape, color and composition.
Great seeing your updates as usual.
Talk to you soon!

C.Deboda said...

Great take! The movie was one of my faves as well.

craig said...

great stuff. Love the color of the beast and the composition

Marco Bucci said...

this is very cool. Not only is it visually different, but emotionally too. I get a sense this film is much darker. I love it.

Marcelo Vignali said...

Wow Armand! This is a great take on the classic. An albino Beast? Who would have thunk-it?

Tatevik Avakyan said...

Great work -its beautiful!

Michael Mercer said...

I would like to see that beast in a fit. His colors look kind of happy--more refined and upright. Very cool.

Matt Jones said...

I assume the disney version was playing at the dentists but yours seems more inspired by the Cocteau version. Superb digital painting.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Stunning work !! Really love this !!

Tomás Serrano said...

Hey brother (we have the same last name, he, he). I´m still gobsmacked. What a blog!!!! Fuh, IMPRESSIVE!!!!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

I have no words, this is beautiful Armand.
As Marcos said, it feels so elegant and I adore the blu dress! Wow!
All the best my friend, and take care,

Ben Mauro said...

cool stuff Armand!

Hows everything going? Miss all you guys.


Shuku said...

Armand! This is absolutely gorgeous! I have to really sit down and catch up on all these lovely drawings (the dirigible reminds me of Red Alert 3, I don't know why).

Also, Chris Deboda was evil and tagged me, so I am tagging back! You have been tagged!

Will update via email soon. Am costuming and preparing for the Lord of the Rings Symphony...argh!


Mark Behm said...

This has a great feel to it! Love his eyes.

Dave Dick said...

REALLY great! A really cool mood going too :)

Armand Serrano said...

Thanks guys.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Really Beautiful indeed!:o)

Elsa Chang said...

i love the shape that the beast makes
it really leads your eye to belle

Dominic Bugatto said...

Lovely piece indeed.

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