Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lizard Troop Revisited

©Armand Serrano.
New images for an old personal project. Been revisiting my old story projects and looking into pitching one or two at the studio. I'm also thinking on the possibility of compiling them into a book together with all the artworks. We'll see.


Nikki Lukas Longfish said...


Hans said...

Wow Armand, this is awesome!!! The first image is exactly what I had in mind when I did that "Let the battle begin" score. I really hope your pitch goes well, cause I wanna see this movie!

Have a great weekend,


Armand Serrano said...

Thanks, Nikki.

Hey Hans,

Thanks but I don't think this is the one I'm going to pitch for animation (live action, maybe). This project has a message but the designs are purely for my indulgence. I have another one, which I'm planning to pitch next month, that is loosely based from a Filipino folklore. Glad to hear you're back and have a great weekend as well, my friend.

Philip Dimitriadis said...

Wow... these are so wonderful. I really like this theme and idea. Really nice work!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have been gone for a while... but I am back!!
I love your color doodles you have been doing up here on your blog. Awesome stuff.
thanks for sharing,

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I love it! Goodluck with the pitch.


Andrew Glazebrook said...

Stunning work !!

Jose Ramos said...

Nice war´s paint Armand , i like the perspective.
.Good luck with your proyect!

Anonymous said...


Awesome .

That's inspiring painting my friend .

Kisel.B said...

Cool work Armand.

Jörn said...

I like a lot. It's really worth a book. I would like to pre-order one.

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Gorgeous, Armand. You can feel the tension in the air.
The book thing sounds like a very nice idea. Good luck with the pitch next month!
Have a great end of the week and take care,

Taylor Krahenbuhl said...

I love the depth in your landscapes Armand, very inspiring.

Dave Dick said...

Really nice! Good luck with whatever direction you take it in.

Billy George said...

Awesome! Love the new stuff.

Marco Bucci said...

that's a solid painting. The army feels very solid. Wouldn't want to be on the other side.

Unknown said...

AWESOME in an epic scale!!

Carolina said...

IMPRESIONANTE!!!...I mean, impressive artwork, I really hope that you put those in a book.

;D un saludo!

Jared Shear said...

Very cool!....all the best with it, and hope to see more! Love the design on the armor suits.

Unknown said...

Those armor designs are great.
I really dig that top piece. I think you really captured the anticipation of marching into battle.

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