Thursday, June 13, 2013

Environment Sketching For Production - Summer Class

On one my online sessions, I demo a process on how to efficiently and effectively work this bw rough layout into a painted version in an hour. Anyone interested in my Environment Sketching For Production online class, go to: Registration starts June 17th. Register soon for slots fill up fast!

All images ©Armand Serrano.


  1. This is Stunning...So Coool to view.
    I am sure it's better in person, too!

  2. Hey Armand stunning as usual..What layer mode are you on when painting from BW to color? I did one just recently on my blog and I used color layer mode. Am I on the right track? Best and I hope your enjoying your Father's day.

  3. The class has been amazing! I have learnt so much and would recommend it for anyone who loves environment design or just even sketching!

  4. You're work is absolutely beautiful! I signed up for your class and I am super-super excited! :)

    -Diana Han

  5. You're work is absolutely beautiful! I signed up for your class and I am super-super excited! :)

    -Diana Han
