Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Evolution of Hotel Transylvania Teaser Poster

Poster design for an animated film in a big studio is a bit tricky. We collaborate with the marketing department and they have the creative control. My task for the Hotel Transylvania poster is to lay down the ground work based from the idea/images (below) provided by marketing. Above are the designs I came up with.

My images were accepted by marketing and had their own artists do some final changes and add the necessary details. Here's the final version.

All images ©Sony Pictures Animation/Columbia Pictures


  1. This is really cool to see! Thanks for posting, Armand. And yes, the influence of marketing in the control of creative matters is always an interesting discussion. I remember seeing the original poster for DreamWorks' Sinbad film, which was much more dramatic and compelling than what they ended up using. But I'm glad to see that your original comps still ended up coming through till the end.

  2. These look great Armand ! Glad to see the final reflects your designs
    - not always the case .

  3. My kids cant wait to see this...THANKS for setting me back 40$!!
    Seriously it looks fantastic. Hope your doing well brother!

  4. Thanks for sharing man! It was awesome by the way....
