Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hyndol Art Academy

I'll be speaking at the Hyndol Art Academy Workshop in LA on October 2, 2010, Saturday at 2 pm.

Also, I be speaking at the CTN Animation Expo in November. More details coming.


  1. Armand, I can't wait to see what you've got going at CTN-X. Any particular thing you'll be discussing? I'll be there for sure.

    See you round,

  2. Hi armand, I'm actually been thinking of coming over this year. so many great people showing up..

  3. Sounds very interesting Armand, wish I could be there as well :) Have fun!!

  4. Hi Armand!
    It's lim hur. nice meeting you today and awesome workshop! thank you so much for coming in hope we can keep in touch! having you in hyndol art academy gave another chance to experience God plan and his love!

  5. @dwilson: not sure yet. See you there.

    @Martin: Hope you could make it.

    @Ale: Thanks. I will. Though until now Im still figuring out what to speak on :)

    @Lim: Youre welcome. It was a pleasure to me you and all the wonderful and talented people at Hyndol. Its such a humbling experience that, even in a little way, I was invited be part of your bigger vision to reach the teens in LA. We'll definitely be in touch.

  6. Hi Armand,i hope it went really well.Greetings.
