Friday, March 30, 2007

SURF'S UP Film Clip

©Columbia Pictures.
By the way, you can view the new second trailer at THIS SITE. Enjoy


  1. The site that hosts the second trailer demands the right to install an ActiveX plug in to my browser!
    No stinkin' way!

    Ahhh. It's an AOL site. That explains everything.

    I'll wait, thx.

  2. hey, Armand,

    How are you..haven't been in touch at all these last years. Up in To now, with J. Dickson and a few others. great to see your stuff, great as it always was. I like the roman helmet. May I link your blog to mine?

    The penguin thing is turning out nicely. I remember Chris pitching to me three years ago!


    Scott C.

  3. Beautiful stuff Armand!!! Aw, I mean... well, you see what I mean!
    Actually this trailer delivers a more accurate vision of the tone of the film than the previous one in my opinion.
    Looking very VERY good!!

  4. great stuff! looks like a lot more fun than the other penguin flick! congrats

  5. Domino effect surfboards! Oh that's -gorgeous- Armand! I can't view the trailer due to some stupid plug-in installation I -refuse- to put in, so I guess I'll just have to wait a little=to see.

    The film clip looks super nice though. All that surfing research comin' out now!


  6. Can't wait to see it! A fun and exceptional insight into penguins' favorite sport : surfing.
    Without a doubt, my next vacation's destination is Pengu Island !
